Popular Courses

Over the years, we have come to know the most popular courses with our clients… courses that help you to master much-needed people skills to navigate today’s workplace. You’ll find those courses here.

If you wish to develop yourself or your employees in people skills that are not mentioned here, get in touch. Let us know your challenges and we’ll show you how we can help. 

We look forward to hearing from you.

Present with Confidence

Emotional Intelligence

Inter-Cultural Intelligence

Giving & Receiving Feedback

People Skills for

Understanding Yourself & Others

Business Etiquette

Business Etiquette

Tailor-made Solutions

Other topics we train in:

1. Personality Profiling

2. Etiquette & Protocol

3. Diversity & Inclusion

4. The art of Delegation

5. Coaching your team

6. The key to Collaboration

7. The art of Storytelling

If you don’t see the exact course you are looking for, schedule a call to discuss the most suitable programme to address your specific needs.

Get in touch

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